Ifany ofthesymbols listedaboveare notdisplayedunder thefunctionheading, theoperation
is applicableto all media.
Blu-ray Disc™: Enjoy Blu-ray Disc™ viewing and storage, capable of storing five times more
data than a conventional DVD.
BD-Java™: Enjoy the interactive functions such as games or interactive menus, supported
Java™ applications.
BD-Live™: BD-ROM version 2 Profile 2.0 allows interactive functionality when this player is
connected to the Internet, in addition to the BONUSVIEW™ function. The various functions
differ depending on the disc type.
Full high-definition video playback: Watch movies in the highest picture quality available for
your HDTV. This player offersfull high-definition video playback up to 1080presolution for an
amazing viewing experience. A highly detailed picture and increased sharpness delivers a more
true-to-life picture.
DVDUpconversion forenhancedpicturequality: Yourcurrent DVDwilllookeven betterthan
before thanks to video upconversion. Upconversion will increase the resolution of standard
definition DVD to nearhigh definition up to 1080p overan HDMI
connection. The picture will
be less jagged and more realistic for a near high-definition experience.
Enjoy your content on different kinds of media: Full backwards compatibility with Blu-ray
Disc™, DVDand CDensuresthat youcan continueto enjoyyour currentaudio-video collection.
Additionally, you can view JPEG digital pictures or listen to MP3 or Windows Media™ Audio
music files.
PIP: SomeBD-videos havethe PIPfunction whichenables youto displaythe secondaryvideo in
the primary video.You can call upthe secondary video bypressing PIP on theremote whenever
the scene contains the secondary video.
Pop-up menu: SomeBD-video have pop-upmenu whichis a navigation menuthat can becalled
up and be operated on the TV screen without interrupting the playback. You can call up the pop-
up menu by pressing POP UP/MENU or TOP MENU on the remote. Contents in the pop-up
menu vary depending on the disc.
Playing back AVCHD™ files: This player supports playback of AVCHD™ format files (new
format for high definition video camcorders) recorded on disc. Your high definition personal
archive is playable in HD quality.
: Thisplayer supports playback ofvideo contents ondiscs recorded with“x.v.Color
technology. To watch this video content with the “x.v.Color
”, a TV or other display device
supporting both video image reproduction using the “x.v.Color
” standard and capable of
manually switching its color setting is required. Please refer to the User’s Guide of your display
device for further information.
(for model BDX3300KC): The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED
logo is an assurance
Alliance hastesteda productinnumerous configurationsand withadiverse sampling
of other devices to ensure compatibility with other Wi-Fi CERTIFIED
equipment that operates
in the same frequency band.
Easy and simple connection to your HDTV via HDMI
: Connect this player to your HDTV
with one single HDMI
(High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cable. It is recommended to use
a HighSpeed HDMI
Cable forbetter compatibility. Thehigh definition videooutput signal will
be transferred to your HDTV without conversion to analog signals, so you will get excellent
picture and sound quality.
-CEC (Consumer Electronics Control): This player supports HDMI
-CEC, which
allows integrated system control over HDMI
and is part of the HDMI
standard. This function
may not work properly on some devices.