Whena call is received...
While on TSO Condition, when UH-057 receives a code
matching your SELCALL ID, it will do the following opera-
1. Automatically responds to the caller by transmitting
Acknowledge tones.
2. Informs you that a caller is on the channel by emitting a
CALL ALARM (three successive tones in a regular
interval for 10 seconds.) and displays the CAL indicator.
3. Flashes the TSO indicator for about 20 seconds allowing
you to use the PTT Switch. If you will not be able to
respond within the 20 second period, TSO stops flashing
and Ouiet operation resumes.
Responding to a call automatically removes the channel
from "Ouiet" operation. The TSO and CAL indicators
disappear from the LCD display.
Tone Squelch Scanning
If you are using two or more channels on TSO Mode, you
can monitor all of these channels for selective calls by using
the TSO Scanning.
To use this feature:
1. Select any programmed TSO Channel.
2. Press and hold the 0 switch for about 1.5 seconds.
TSO scanning starts and the SCN indicator appears on
the LCD display.
Unlike Normal Scanning, TSO Scanning checks the
detected carrier for SELCALL information. If no information
is seen, TSO scanning resumes.
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