Contacting WD Technical Support
When contacting WD for support, have your WD product serial number, system hardware, and
system software versions available.
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United States & Canada Europe
United States 855.556.5117 Belgium 00 80021102110
Canada 855.556.5117 Cyprus 00 80021102110
Czech Republic 00 80021102110
Mexico & South America
Denmark 009 80021102110
Argentina 00 80021102110 Estonia 00 80021102110
Brazil 0021 80021102110 Finland 990 80021102110
999 80021102110
Columbia 009 80021102110 France 00 80021102110
Grenada 00 80021102110 Germany 00 80021102110
Panama 00 80021102110 Greece 00 80021102110
Peru 00 80021102110 Hungary 00 80021102110
Uruguay 00 80021102110 Iceland 00 80021102110
Ireland 00 80021102110
Israel 014 80021102110
South Africa 09 80021102110 Italy 00 80021102110
Luxembourg 00 80021102110
Asia Pacific
Netherlands, The 00 80021102110
Australia 0011 800.2110.2110 Norway 00 80021102110
China 00 800.2110.2110 Poland 00 80021102110
Hong Kong 001 800.2110.2110 Portugal 00 80021102110
Japan 010 800.2110.2110 Sweden 00 80021102110
Malaysia 00 800.2110.2110
(Telekom Malaysia IDD)
Swiss Confederation, The 00 80021102110
New Zealand 00 800.2110.2110 United Kingdom, The 00 80021102110
Philippines 00 800.2110.2110
Singapore 001 800.2110.2110
(Singtel IDD)
Taiwan 00 800.2110.2110
(Chunghwa IDD)
Thailand 001 800.2110.2110