1. Under Server Settings, click Remote Web Access in the panel on the left.
2. Click Turn on and complete the wizard to set up your router, set a domain name, and
change Internet settings.
3. Grant Remote Web Access privileges if you want a user to access the
WD Sentinel server, shared folders, computers, media, Home page links, and the
Dashboard (administrators only) when you create or update a user account.
To view a user’s current privileges, click the Users icon in the Navigation bar.
Note: The Guest account cannot have Remote Web Access.
Note: Refer to Microsoft Online Help for detailed information about setting up
remote web access and for troubleshooting connection issues.
This option is available for networks that have an Active Domain server for user control. A
domain is a group of computers under the control of a server known as the domain
controller. In the case of the WD Sentinel RX4100, it enhances security by allowing only
users with necessary permissions to access the server. Refer to Microsoft Online Help for
detailed information. For information on acceptable domains, go to http://support.wd.com
and search for Knowledge Base Answer ID 8549.
Shutting Down the Server
The WD Sentinel server is intended to be on at all times, providing shared data and backup
services. A best practice is to avoid turning the unit off. However, if it does become
necessary (for example, moving the server to a different location), then follow the procedures
It is very important that the WD Sentinel server be shut down or restarted in a clean and
graceful manner through the Server Settings section in the Dashboard.
To shut down or restart using the Dashboard (Preferred method):
1. Click Server Settings in the icon bar.
2. To shut down, right-click the red button in the lower left corner of the page and select
Shut down.
3. To restart, right-click the arrow and select Restart
4. When the confirmation message appears, click Yes.
WARNING! To avoid a potentially unclean shutdown that could corrupt the RAID
configuration, shut down the server through the Dashboard.