40 X2 Reference Manual
Recording Multiple Sources to Two Tracks (Stereo)
Recording multiple sources onto two tape tracks can either be done as two separate
Groups or as a stereo mix using two Groups. The former requires that you pan hard
left all Channels going to the odd-number Group, and pan hard right all Channels
going to the even-number Group. The latter requires that you pan each Channel to
obtain the proper stereo positioning between left and right.
To record multiple sources to two tracks stereo:
1 With microphones or instruments connected to the desired input channels, set
the input level correctly (see page 31, Setting Levels).
2 Assign each of the Channels or Aux Returns you wish to record onto the same
track of tape to GROUPS 1 and 2 by pressing the 1-2 button situated next to the
Channel FADER.
3 Use the PAN control on each of the assigned Channels to position the signals as
desired between the left (Group 1) and right (Group 2).
4 Make sure the DIR switch is UP on channels 1 and 2.
5 The GROUP 1 and GROUP 2 FADERS will now control the levels going to tape.
6 Be sure that the Groups’ ASSIGN LEFT and ASSIGN RIGHT buttons are in the
“Off” position (up). Otherwise the signals will be assigned to the Master Output
directly, instead of monitoring what’s coming back from the multitrack on the
small fader.
7 To monitor the tracks through the multitrack tape machine, place the tape
machine tracks you are recording on into the “source” or “input” mode, and
raise the Tape Monitor FADERS the tracks’ outputs are connected to. Set the
Monitor PAN control to Left and Right as desired.
Be sure the L-R buttons are in the “Off” position (up) for the Channels being recorded.
Otherwise, this will cause the monitoring to be false since the signals will be heard from two
sources: the Channels and the Tape Monitors.