
Description of Controls
X2 Reference Manual 71
EQ IN Switch
This inserts the equalizer controls into the channel signal path. When down, the EQ
is in the signal path. This switch has no effect on the HPF control (see above), or on
the HI and LO EQ if the TO MON switch is down.
AUX 1–2, AUX 1–2 PAN
The AUX 1-2 knob controls how much signal will be sent to either AUX SEND 1 or
AUX SEND 2, as set by the PAN knob directly below this knob. This is a pre-fader,
pre-mute, post-EQ stereo send typically used for performer monitors and
headphone feeds. By turning the PAN fully left, the signal is routed only to AUX 1.
When turned fully right, the signal is routed only to Aux 2. Its input can be derived
from either the Channel or Monitor, as determined by the AUX SOURCE switch
(see below). Its unity gain position is approximately “2 o’clock.”
AUX 3/7 and AUX 4/8
These are both mono post-fader sends typically used for effect sends. The AUX 3/7
knob controls how much signal will be sent to either AUX SEND 3 or AUX SEND 7,
as set by the 7/8 switch below it. The AUX 4/8 knob controls how much signal will
be sent to either AUX SEND 4 or AUX SEND 8, as set by the 7/8 switch directly
above it. Their input can be derived from either the Channel or Monitor, as
determined by the AUX SOURCE switch (see below)
7/8 Switch (Aux 3/4)
The 7/8 switch, found between the 3/7 and 4/8 knob, is an auxiliary assignment
switch. When up, the AUX 3/7 knob sends signal to Aux Send 3, and the 4/8 knob
sends signal to Aux Send 4. When this switch is down, the AUX 3/7 knob sends
signal to Aux Send 7, and the 4/8 knob sends signal to Aux Send 8. The reason for
this switch is to allow you to use the Aux controls for different purposes on
different channels (example: two different types of effects). Another reason is to
allow the monitor and the channel to send signal to the same effect device
simultaneously (when the AUX SOURCE switch and both 7/8 switches are down).
The AUX SOURCE switch selects the input for Aux Sends 1—4 above it. When up,
they get signal from the Channel path. When down, they get signal from the
Monitor path. If using the Aux Sends for a headphone mix and you are monitoring
tape on the short faders, press the AUX SOURCE switch down to allow the
performers to listen to what is already on tape.
AUX 5/7 and AUX 6/8
These are both mono post-fader sends. Their signals are derived from the Channel
only (not the Monitor). The AUX 5/7 knob controls how much of the Channel’s
signal will be sent to either AUX SEND 5 or AUX SEND 7, as set by the 7/8 switch
below it. The AUX 6/8 knob controls how much of the Channel’s signal will be sent
to either AUX SEND 6 or AUX SEND 8, as set by the 7/8 switch directly above it.