Command Reference
44 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Series Power Supply
Command Description
FOLD? Returns the supply’s present foldback setting.
Response: FOLD <mode> where mode is:
0 (OFF) or
1 (CV or Constant Voltage mode) or
2 (CC or Constant Current mode)
HOLD <1/ON>,<0/OFF> Enables or disables voltage/current setting hold mode for the supply. When
HOLD ON is specified, hold mode is enabled so that all voltage and current
settings which would normally be applied immediately are held until a TRG
(trigger) command is received. This feature allows you to synchronize the
operation of several supplies.
Initial value: HOLD OFF or HOLD 0
HOLD? Returns the present hold mode setting.
Response: HOLD 0 (OFF or disabled) or
HOLD 1 (ON or enabled)
ID? Returns the power supply model and the master EPROM version.
Response: ID <model name><version>
IDATA <Ilo>,<Ihi> Calculates and records the slope and offset for programmed current using
ILO and IHI data. Set CMODE ON before using this command. See also the
calibration procedures in Section 4.
<Ilo> and <Ihi> are in <current> format.
IHI In response to this command, the power supply sends a programmed
current value to the output terminal. This value is at the high end of the
power supply’s current range and is read by an external device connected
as part of the calibration procedure. Refer to this value as IHI and record it
to use as input with the IDATA command. Set CMODE ON before using this
command. See also the calibration procedures in Section 4.
ILO In response to this command, the power supply sends a programmed
current value to the output terminal. This value is at the low end of the
power supply’s current range and is read by an external device connected
as part of the calibration procedure. Refer to this value as ILO and record it
to use as input with the IDATA command. Set CMODE ON before using this
command. See also the calibration procedures in Section 4 .
IMAX <current> Sets an upper soft limit on the supply’s programmed output current. If the
soft limit is exceeded, or if the soft limit value is lower than the present
output current setting, the supply will ignore the command, turn on the
ERR LED, and set the ERR bit in the bit registers.
Range: 0 to model maximum output current (IMAX)
Initial value: model IMAX
IMAX? Returns the supply’s soft current limit setting.
Response: IMAX <current>