Release 1.1 53
Section 4. Calibration
You can calibrate the RS-232 interface by adjusting the signal levels on the interface
card so that they correspond to the expected signal levels on the power supply's main
assembly. You may need to recalibrate the interface if you replace parts either on the
interface board or on the main power supply board, or if the unit falls out of
specification due to component aging drifts.
You can calibrate the RS-232 Interface for:
• Voltage program
• Voltage readback
• Current program
• Current readback
• Overvoltage protection
The following equipment will be required to accurately calibrate your unit:
• Digital Voltmeter, 5 1/2 digit, 0.1% accuracy or better, with test leads
• Current sensing shunt resistor, rated for 150% of maximum output current,
0.25% accuracy or better
• Connection wires rated for the unit's maximum output current and voltage
• An RS-232 equipped computer to send the calibration commands to the unit
Calibrate the unit according to the following procedures, referring to “Command
Reference” for more information about the calibration commands used.
The calibration procedures in this section are designed to be performed at an ambient
temperature of 25°C ± 5°C.
Exercise caution when using and servicing power supplies. High energy levels can
be stored at the output voltage terminals on all power supplies in normal operation. In
addition, potentially lethal voltages exist in the power circuit and the output connector
of power supplies which are rated at 40V and over. Filter capacitors store potentially
dangerous energy for some time after power is removed.