Global Font Identifiers (GFIDs)
To provide automatic font selection within your Xerox MRP
Family coax printer, Xerox fonts correlate to IBM font parameters.
This correlation considers the IBM method of selecting fonts
using Global Font Identifiers (GFIDs) as follows:
• Data Processing (DP) mode
• Word Processing (WP) mode.
The DP mode selects font through the printer file font parameter.
The WP mode selects font through type style.
GFIDs are numbers that reference fonts in the IBM data stream.
A Xerox font may be identified by an associated GFID.
A GFID defines the typestyle, font type, and the pitch but not
the orientation. For example, GFID 0011 refers to a Courier 10
pitch font in both portrait and landscape orientations. The font
orientation on the printed page is taken from the orientation
selected through the emulation commands sent from the host
computer system unless automatic orientation is enabled.
GFID cross reference is automatically modified each time a font is
All the font names correspond to GFID and both orientations,
landscape and portrait, are included in the font. If you do not
load all the fonts, refer to the “IBM GFID to PCL fonts attribute”
GFID to PCL font mapping
The default GFID to PCL font mapping is not active when the
Xerox 3812/3816 compatibility fonts are used. The character and
line spacing of the compatibility fonts are designed to match the
equivalent IBM GFID font. The fixed GFID interval ranges from 1
to 399 and is divided into groups with different pitch. Refer to
Table 4-2. GFIDs from 400 and up are typographical fonts. If the
printer resident PCL fonts are used in lieu of the Xerox 3812/3816
compatibility fonts, character and line spacing is controlled by
the interface, not the font.
Proportional spaced (PS) fonts are fixed spaced fonts. The
spacing is controlled by the interface, and not the font.
Print density to GFID mapping
A pitch to GFID mapping occurs if the SCS Set Print Density
(SPD) command specifies the pitch parameter. Since the 3812
emulates a 5219 printer, the pitch to GFID mapping is
implemented according to the mapping shown in Table 4-3.