Y10—Set Page Format
@Y10, <n1>, {n2}@
Selects an exact or scaled page format on page boundary.
If no value is entered for n2, the n1 value is used for all trays.
Refer also to FSL Y62 command that affects this function.
n1 Valid values are:
0* Portrait (No compression or scaling)
1 Landscape (No compression or scaling)
2 COR (as IBM 3812). If the interface is in
User mode, the n string = 24, defined in
FSL Y62 command, is sent.
3 Use LPI and MPL to calculate the Vertical
Motions Index (VMI). Also called fit to
page in portrait. If the interface is in
User mode, the n string =25, defined in
FSL Y62 command, is sent.
4 Compressed portrait format for 3287
compatible printing within an 8" x 11"
page area
5 Compressed portrait for 3287 compatible
printing within an 8" x 12" page area
6 Compressed landscape for 3287
compatible printing within an 13.2" x
8.5" page area
7 Compressed landscape for 3287
compatible printing using a page width of
13.2" with fixed line spacing (LPI)
8 Compressed portrait for 3287 compatible
printing using a page length of 11" with
fixed character spacing (CPI)
9 Compressed portrait for 3287 compatible
printing using a page length of 12" with
fixed character spacing (CPI)
n2 Values for n2 are:
1 Ignored
2* Tray 1
3 Tray 3
4 Manual feeder
5 Tray 2
6 Tray 4
7-255 Reserved for optional feeder.
(20) (Reserved)
If the code is placed as the first printable character on the page,
the changed format is effective as soon as the printer receives
the command. If the command is placed at any other position
on the page, the change is effective on the next page.