LU3 Logical Unit 3. A 3270 data stream (DSC or DSE) device.
MB Megabyte. Unit of 1,048,576 bytes.
memory Part of a computer system that stores data temporarily or
permanently. See NVM.
mode One of several alternative conditions or states of a device, such
as Print mode and Configuration mode on the printer.
MPL Maximum Print Length. Maximum number of lines on a page.
The page length printer control panel setting determines the
default MPL, which can be overriden by SCS command from the
MPP Maximum Print Position. Maximum number of characters on a
line. The page width printer control panel setting determines the
default MPP, which can be overriden by PCIA location 0018 or by
SCS or DCA commands from the host.
MSA Message starting address. Printer control information area (PCIA)
bytes X'0012—0013' that identifies the position of the first byte
of data in the print buffer.
MVS Multiple virtual storage. An alternate name for OS/VS2, release 2.
MVT Multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks. The OS/360
control program that supervises the execution of a variable
number of tasks in main storage, and allocates system resources
among them.
network Series of points connected by communication channels. A
private network is a network of communications channels
confined to the use of one customer.
NVM Short for NVRAM, nonvolatile memory. That portion of memory
in a device that remains unchanged when the device is turned
off. It is sometimes referred to as EEROM or NovRam. It is used
to store system defaults while the printer is powered off.
OCA Object Content Architecture. A standard set of constructs to
described the object data, the characteristics of that object, and
the manipulation functions that may be performed on the object.
OCA represents objects in device-independent format.
OCR Optical Character Recognition. Information processing
technology that converts human readable data into another
medium for computer input. Light reflected from characters is
recognized by optical character recognition equipment. It is also
characters printed in a type style that can be read by both
machines and people. Also refers to a symbol.