defined in Y12, which could be different from what actually was
loaded. In the new releases, the system detects the actual size
loaded in the tray and automatically formats for that size paper.
Y13—Set Wrap/Cut Option at Physical Paper Size
@Y13, <n1> [ , n2]@
Sets print line overflow action. If no value is entered for n2, the
n1 setting values are valid for all supported trays.
n1 Values for n1 are:
0 Lines exceeding the available print
area are wrapped at the paper edge.
Overflow data prints on the next line,
and not count as lines, when the
printer calculates the maximum print
lines or length (MPL).
1* Lines are truncated at paper edge.
Overflow data is not printed.
No guarantee for vertical formatting is given if n1
= 0. If n1 = 1 is selected, data exceeding the
maximum print position is lost.
n2 Values for n2 are:
1 Ignored
2* Input tray 1
3 Input tray 3
4 Manual feeder
5 Input tray 2
6 Input tray 4
7—255 Optional feeder
The default is selected for all trays.
This function wraps and cuts on the physical paper (A4, letter,
etc.) and NOT on the logical paper (MPL x MPP). If n2 is not
set, default is selected for all trays.
Example @Y13, 1@ selects lines exceeding maximum print position to be
truncated, or cut off.
Remember When using FSL Y13 Set Wrap/Cut Option on the 4219/MRP or
the 4215/MRP, first enable the Line Wrap option from the PCL5
Setup User Interface menu. Refer to the Printer Setup Menu in
chapter 2 of the Xerox 4219/MRP 4215/MRP Operator Guide for
instructions on how to access this menu.