3. Click on the [Options] radio button.
The Fax Options window displays.
N Note: Clicking the [Help] button at any point gives
you advice and information about the current window.
4. Complete the fields in the Fax Options window. Refer to
table 1-1.
5. Click on the [OK] button after you complete the entries in
the Fax Options window.
The Fax Destinations window displays.
6. Click on [Cancel] to complete the installation.
N Note: You can also access the Fax Setup menu
through the control panel on your printer to change
the Fax send configuration settings. Refer to the “Fax
Setup menu” chapter for these procedures.
Table 1-1 lists the fax utility software fields and their descriptions.
Table 1-1. Fax Options window field descriptions
Field/Button Description
Outside Line Prefix Enter any access codes required to obtain an outside line (for example, some phone
systems require you to dial 9 to get an outside line). You can specify up to 9
characters for an outside line prefix; the fax utility automatically adds these codes
before dialing the fax telephone number.
The fax utility recognizes the following characters:
Code Function
0 through 9 Dialing numbers
* and # Sounds the tones corresponding to these keys on tone
W Waits for a dial tone
, (comma) Two second pause
[ ] To protect internal account codes, credit card numbers, or
calling card access numbers, any part of the telephone number
placed within brackets is dialed but is not reported on the FAX
cover page or the FAX header.
For example, an outside line prefix of “9,” dials the number 9, then waits for two
seconds before dialing a fax number. You may override the prefix set in this
window when you send a fax.
If you need an outside line prefix for certain calls only (as when accessing a
particular long-distance carrier), leave this field blank and specify the required prefix
when you send a fax.
If this field does not apply to your telephone system, leave it blank.