4. Additional configuration options
The fax printer utility allows you to configure the settings for the
following fax options:
• Fax Phonebook
• Incoming Fax Settings
• Fax Printer Calendar
• Print Activity Report
• Clear Activity Report.
N Note: If your printer is connected to an AppleTalk
network, check with your system administrator before
changing fax printer settings.
The fax printer utility also provides the Print Activity Report and
Clear Activity Report options which can help you with
Accessing the fax printer utility
To access the fax printer utility, double-click on the Fax Printer
Utility icon which is located in the folder you created during
installation of the fax utility software. The menu bar in the
header area of your desktop includes the Apple menu icon and
the Fax Printer Configuration menu title.
Accessing the Fax Phonebook option
To access this option, pull down the Fax Printer Configuration
menu and choose Fax Phonebook. This displays the Fax
Phonebook Editor window, where you may add, delete, or edit
names in your phonebook. For more information, refer to the
“Phonebook” chapter.
Incoming fax settings
This option allows you to set up your printer so it can receive
faxes through your fax utility software. You can also access the
Fax Setup menu through the control panel at your printer to
change incoming settings (fax receive). Refer to the “Fax Setup
menu” chapter for these procedures.
N Note: Be sure your printer is turned on and initialized
before you begin this procedure.