Y44—Suppress CR and SP to Same Position 3-37
Y46—Set IRQ Timer 3-38
Y47—ESC-Mode Selection 3-39
Y48—Set Permanent Escape 3-40
Y49—Restrict Access of Temporary and Permanent Settings 3-40
Y50—FF After Time Elapse 3-41
Y51—User Strings at Power Up 3-41
Y57—User-defined String Before Local Copy 3-42
Y58—User-defined String After Local Copy 3-42
Y59—Bar Code Definition 3-43
Y60—Font Link for GFIDs 3-45
Y61—Setup for User-defined Strings 3-47
Y62—Setup for IBM-defined Strings 3-48
Y71—Create Translate Table 3-52
Y72—Reset Translate Table 3-52
Y73—Select Translate Table 3-52
Y74—Define Symbol Set String 3-53
Y75—Overwrite Translate Table 3-53
Y76—Create APL Translate Table 3-54
Y77—Reset APL Translate Table 3-55
Y78—Select APL Translate Table 3-55
Y80—Overwrite APL Translate Table 3-56
Y88—Define Page Offset 3-57
Y89—Enable Page Offset 3-57
Y90—Define User Escape String 3-58
Y91—GFID/Font Select Setup 3-59
Y92—Point Size Strings 3-61
Y93—Attribute Strings 3-61
Y94—Typeface Strings 3-61
Y96—GFID Select 3-62
Y98—Enable Automatic Page Orientation (APO) Support 3-62
Y100—Printer Share String and Timer 3-63
Y119—Enable/disable automatic paper size configuration 3-64
Y120—Setting Printout at Power Up 3-64
Y249—Enter Engineering Mode 3-64
Y253—Allow passwords 3-65
Z—Send User-defined Strings 3-65
Page layout functions 3-65
Placing commands in the data stream 3-65
Page Orientation algorithm 3-66