data monitor Data-analyzing tool that prints the hexadecimal value of all data
default Preset value programmed into a printer that it uses unless you
change the value with the control panel keys or print language
commands. See also factory defaults, power-up defaults.
default font Font in use whenever the printer is reset. Some font cartridges
also contain a default font.
document One or more recorded or printed pages forming a logical whole.
DOS Disk Operating System. Specialized disk-oriented program that
provides an easy-to-use link between the user and a disk drive of
the computer.
dot Smallest printable unit.
download 1. Send information from a computer (host) to a peripheral
device (printer, terminal, and so forth). 2. It identifies
something characterized by being sent from a computer to a
peripheral device, for example, a downloaded font.
downloaded fonts Fonts loaded from the host system into the dynamic memory of
the printer. Downloaded fonts must be reloaded each time the
system is powered up.
dpi Dots per inch. A measure of the resolution of a printed image.
draft quality Specified by the “conserve ribbon“ parameter in the Page
Presentation Media (PPM) SCS command. Used in the auto page
orientation algorithm: when draft quality is requested, the page
will be COR, if that is the default tray orientation. See also COR,
letter quality.
DSC Data Stream Compatibility. LU2 and LU3 data stream composed
of controls, optionally intermixed with user data, which is carried
with a request or response unit.
EAB Extended Attribute Buffer. The elements in this buffer, which
have a one-to-one correspondence with characters and attributes
in the MDSA, and can be used to turn on underscoring or APL in
the coax DSC environment.
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. An 8-bit
code, standard for most IBM systems providing 256 possible
combinations of characters.
EEROM Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory. Device that can be
erased electrically and reprogrammed. See NVM.