Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide Page 6-27
Network Scanning
Destination this is the destination folder for the job.
Type the type of job, based on the network setup.
Owner the name of the template owner, as defined in the template file.
Status information about the progress of a job, such as active or
Scanned/Filed the number of sheets scanned and filed for active jobs.
Display displays information on the jobs contained in the Scan queue.
Use the toolbar across the top of the Scan Queue to manage
the jobs.
Delete deletes the selected job.
Details displays additional information about a job in the Scan Queue.
Other Queues displays the other job queues available
Completed Scan Jobs Queue (DC440/432/430/425)
The Completed Scan Jobs Queue displays information on all
Completed Scan jobs. Completed jobs are those that have
been either successfully completed or canceled due to a fault
or at the user’s request.
This queue can hold up to 50 jobs at one time. When the queue
reaches its capacity, the oldest jobs are deleted to make room
for new jobs.