Page 11-14 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Interrupt Button
The Interrupt feature enables the current job to be stopped and
held in memory while another job is completed. When enabled
the Key Operator can set up Interrupt to function on completion
of the current set or the current page. When the Interrupt job is
complete, programming for the first job is retrieved by selecting
Interrupt again.
Interrupt on Set Boundary The machine will finish printing the current set.
Interrupt on Page Boundary The machine will finish printing the current page.
Priority or Print Queue Priority
Programs the machine to complete Print or Fax jobs in a
specified order. Number 3 is the highest priority, and number 5
is the lowest priority. Copy and Report jobs are always priority
3 - they have job priority over all other jobs. When print or fax
is set as priority 4, the machine automatically sets the other
feature as priority 5. Priority can only be changed for print and
fax jobs.
¾ Select [Localization].
¾ Select the preferred
measurement display format
- Inches or Millimeters.
¾ Select [Save].