Paper input
75-sheet Duplex Automatic Document
Feeder (DADF) quickly processes single-
or double-sided originals.
100-sheet bypass tray for specialty
media and custom sizes
Two standard 500-sheet trays are
adjustable up to 11 x 17 in.
Choose a 1,000-sheet Two Tray module
(adjustable up to 11 x 17 in.) or a 2,000
sheet letter-size Tandem Tray
A 2,000-sheet external High-Capacity
Feeder can increase total capacity to
5,100 sheets.
Optional fi nishing
Space-saving Integrated Finisher for
convenient single-position stapling
(shown below).
Offi ce Finisher LX adds multi-position
stapling and optional booklet creation
and hole punching.
Comprehensive security
The tools you need to restrict access, track
usage and protect confi dential data. Security
features include Secure Print, Secure Fax,
print and scan encryption, Image Overwrite,
IP fi ltering, built-in support for SNMPv3.0,
and submission for Full System Common
Criteria (ISO 15408) certifi cation.
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Imagine if your WorkCentre could adapt to fi t
the way you work, not the other way around.
With Xerox Extensible Interface Platform (EIP),
menus and languages specifi c to your business
can appear on the touch screen. EIP enables
applications that allow you to securely fi nd,
save, print and share information in a few easy
steps, entirely at the MFP. Take advantage of
applications from industry-leading software
providers or, because EIP is based on web
standards, it’s easy for in-house developers to
create custom solutions.
Choose a powerful tabloid-size copier and add
printing, scanning and faxing capabilities to
optimize your workgroup’s productivity. As your
work volume increases, the WorkCentre 5225 is
ready to expand to meet your business needs.
5225 Confi gurations
Add Scanning
• Scan to email (with LDAP
authentication and Scan
to Mailbox)
• Network Scanning (includes
Scan to Email and Mailbox)
• Scan to PC Desktop
Add Faxing
• Walk-up fax (includes LAN Fax)
• Internet fax
• Server fax
Add Finishing and Trays
• Stapling
• Hole-punching
• Booklet making
• Tray options including 2,000-
sheet high-capacity feeder and
side output tray
5225 Copier
• Advanced copy features
• Automatic two-sided
• 40 GB Hard drive
• ID Card Copy
5225 Printer / Copier
Copier features plus:
• 1200 dpi printing
• Ethernet
• Bi-directional drivers
• Device management