15 Problem Solving
016-526 An LDAP server SSL authentication error occurred. The server name set on the
machine is not the same as the information in the certificate. Set the correct
LDAP server address on the machine and in the certificate. Or, set [LDAP -
SSL/TLS Communication] under [SSL/TLS Settings] to [Disabled] to avoid the
016-527 An LDAP server SSL authentication error occurred. The error was caused by
the software. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center.
016-529 A timeout error occurred upon connection to the Remote Download server.
Check if the Remote Download server is correctly installed and working on the
016-533 A Kerberos server authentication protocol error occurred. The machine and the
Kerberos server clocks have a time difference that exceeds the Kerberos server
clock skew value. Check that the machine and Kerberos server clocks have the
correct time.
016-534 A Kerberos server authentication protocol error occurred. The realm name set
on the machine does not exist on the Kerberos server, or the Kerberos server
address set on the machine is not correct. If the machine is to be connected to
Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 Server, make sure the realm name is in
016-535 The specified file does not exist on the Remote Download server. Check the
name of the file.
016-536 The host name of the Remote Download server could not be resolved on the
DNS server. Check if the machine is connected to the DNS server, and if the
Remote Download server is registered on the DNS server.
016-537 A timeout error occurred upon connection to the Remote Download server.
Check the status of the port on the Remote Download server.
016-538 A data-write error occurred upon downloading data from the Remote Download
server. Remove unnecessary data from the HDD, or replace the HDD.
016-539 A Kerberos server authentication protocol error occurred. The problem was
caused by the software. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center.
016-543 The specified realm or domain may have been deleted from Authentication
Agent. Try refreshing the realm list on the machine, or re-register the domain
name with Authentication Agent.
016-545 A clock-skew error occurred between Authentication Agent and Active Directory.
Adjust the time on the computers. If Windows Time is deactivated on the
computer which Authentication Agent is installed on, activate it. For more
details, refer to the manual provided with Authentication Agent.
016-546 A general user tried to obtain the information of another user. Contact the Xerox
Welcome Center.
016-548 The machine has not been registered on Authentication Agent. Register the
machine with Authentication Agent. For details, refer to the manual provided
with Authentication Agent.
016-553 The current version of Authentication Agent is not supported by the interface
installed on the machine. Upgrade Authentication Agent. Before upgrading,
make sure that the interface on the machine supports the upgraded version of
Authentication Agent.
Code Description and Remedy