15 Problem Solving
018-712 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 12 (unavailable critical
extension) during the address book query. Check the server operating status.
018-713 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 13 (confidentiality
required) during the address book query. Check the server operating status.
018-714 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 14 (SASL bind in
progress) during the address book query. Wait a while, then repeat the same
operation. Contact the network administrator if the problem persists.
018-716 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 16 (no such attribute)
during the address book query. The specified attribute does not exist. Check the
LDAP server status.
018-717 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 17 (undefined attribute
type) during the address book query. The attribute type specified is invalid.
Check the LDAP server status.
018-718 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 18 (inappropriate
matching) during the address book query. Filter type not supported for the
specified attribute. Check the LDAP server status.
018-719 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 19 (constraint
violation) during the address book query. An attribute value specified violates
some constraint. Check the LDAP server status.
018-720 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 20 (attribute or value
exists) during the address book query. An attribute type or value already exists.
Check the LDAP server status.
018-721 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 21 (invalid attribute
syntax) during the address book query. An invalid attribute syntax was specified.
Check the LDAP server status.
018-732 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 32 (no such object)
during the address book query. The specified e-mail address does not exist in
the directory. Review the input e-mail address and check the e-mail address is
registered on the LDAP server.
018-733 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 33 (alias problem)
during the address book query. The alias (name) in the directory points to a
nonexistent entry. Check the LDAP server status.
018-734 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 34 (invalid DN syntax)
during the address book query. An invalid DN syntax was specified. Check the
user name and password. Check the LDAP server authentication settings and
other status.
Code Description and Remedy