Parameter Option Description
Native PDF
Processes PDF files natively using the Adobe PDF Print
Engine (APPE). The APPE RIP ensures that complex
designs and effects, including transparencies, are
reproduced quickly and correctly.
Provides the following options:
Off—Always uses the CPSI RIP (even for PDF files)
Force mode on—Always uses the APPE RIP for native
PDF files. All other file types are processed using the
Smart mode on—Enables the smart mode algorithm.
This algorithm determines whether or not a PDF file
requires the native PDF workflow and then applies it
accordingly—for example, transparencies and overprint
PDF files require the native PDF workflow. Text files
without transparencies do not require the native PDF
workflow. When a PDF file does not require the native
PDF workflow, the CPSI RIP is applied.
The Run immediately option can’t be used with the
native PDF workflow.
Native PDF workflow options are not available via the
Print Driver software.
Native PDF workflow supports the CMYK workflow only.
Job Deletion
Delete printed jobs
from storage
Removes jobs from the Storage area after printing is
Delete failed jobs
from storage
Removes failed jobs from the Storage area while other jobs
are being processed or printed.
The Delete failed jobs from storage option retains
enough free disk space for the duration of the print run
and only affects the sub-job.
Font substitution Use Font
Substitutes a missing font with the default font that is set in
the Resource Center.
If a font is substituted, a message appears in the Job
History window.
You can substitute Latin fonts only.
Optimizations PostScript
Significantly decreases the processing time for PostScript
jobs with repeated elements by applying a workflow
intended for PostScript jobs.
PDF optimization Significantly the decreases processing time for PDF jobs
with repeated elements by applying a workflow intended for
PDF jobs.
Services tab in the job parameters window 111