frequency-modulated (FM) screening
A method of creating halftones where the spots are all the same
size, but the frequency or number of dots changes in a given area.
There are more dots in a dark area and fewer in a light area.
frozen job
A job for which the appropriate paper stock is not available: for
example, the correct paper type, size, or weight.
gray balance
The values for yellow, magenta, and cyan that produce a neutral
gray with no dominant hue when printed at a normal density.
gray component
The amounts of CMY in a color which result in neutral gray, based
on the lowest separation value of the color.
gray component replacement (GCR)
A method for reducing the CMY amounts that produce the gray
component in a color, without changing the color hue.
halftone screen
On halftone output, the fine grid that positions the halftone dots.
job flow
The job parameter settings of selected virtual printers, which are
automatically applied to all jobs printed using those virtual printers.
These settings determine how a sent or imported file is processed.
For example, a file sent to a virtual printer with a Process & Print
job flow will be RIPed, printed, and stored in the Storage Folder. A
file sent to a Process & Store job flow virtual printer will be RIPed
and stored, without printing.
job ticket
A hidden file that is created when you associate an input file with a
particular template. The job ticket contains all the instructions for
processing the input file.