
Xerox Nuvera Paper Guide
Tips by stock type
Tips that apply to all stocks
Bond (56 to 158 gsm)
Table 3-1. All stocks
Selection tips Before ordering stock, check the latest Xerox Nuvera Media
Compatibility Guide.
If you wish to run a paper that has not been recommended by Xerox,
test a small quantity before making a large purchase.
Storage tips Refer to the Chapter 2, Managing your paper supply, section on controlling
moisture in paper.
Usage tips To prevent leaving handling dents on sheets, handle stocks gently when
loading feeder trays.
To prevent damaging large size papers, handle partial reams only.
Stock that is cut unevenly may require fanning to improve performance.
If multifeeds occur, leave the stock in the tray and fan the lead and trail
edges of the stack.
Gently hold one side (lead or trail) of the stack to keep it from
Gently lift the top four inches (10 centimeters) of the opposite side of
the stack, then allow the sheets to gently fan back down into the tray.
If the paper packaging does not indicate a paper loading direction, load
paper with the curl side down.
If jammed sheets exhibit damaged or folded lead edges, check the
unloaded (stored) paper from the same shipment to see if the paper is
Table 3-2. Bond (56 to 158 gsm)
Description Bond papers are commonly used for letterheads, stationary, and business
forms. Properties include whiteness, uniform finish, durability, and good
formation. Bond papers accept ink readily and are easily erased.
Selection tips Select a smooth paper with good formation for best image quality
Storage tips Follow general guidelines in Chapter 2, Managing your paper supply.
Usage tips Follow general usage tips in Table 3-1.