Xerox Nuvera Paper Guide
Tips by stock type
Scored paper
Synthetic papers and plastics
Table 3-18. Scored paper
Description Paper with a crease along a line where the paper will be folded. Commonly
used for greeting cards and tri-fold brochures. Scoring helps create a
smooth, crisp fold when the fold is against the grain or the job is printed on
heavyweight or coated paper.
Selection tips For best results, select a pre-scored paper that was designed for laser
Storage tips Follow general guidelines in Chapter 2, Managing your paper supply.
Usage tips • Many scored papers are coated on one side. Image the coated side first.
Table 3-19. Synthetic papers and plastics
Description Sheets made without plant fibers that resemble paper. Most synthetic
sheets are made from thermoplastic materials.
Selection tips Select laser compatible synthetic media only.
Storage tips Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Usage tips Test a small amount of a synthetic media for reliability before purchasing a
large quantity.
CAUTION: If you wish to use a synthetic product that has not been tested
by Xerox, check with Xerox Service or Xerox Nuvera Support first. Some
synthetic materials can cause production system damage.