System Guide Troubleshooting
Common Controller 9-9
• Is the queue faulted, or is it accepting jobs?
• Did this file or a similar file print on a previously installed
version of the system software?
• Will the job print on any other PostScript printers?
• Does the PostScript file distill properly using Acrobat
TIFF problems
The following questions may be helpful to ask when trying to
isolate a TIFF problem:
• Is the file a true TIFF, or is it a TIFF wrapped in a PostScript
• Did the PostScript error page list the error as “Decomposition
Task Failed” to indicate that the tags and compression
formats of this file are not supported?
• What type of client and application were used to submit the
• Can the TIFF image be viewed using any software package?
• Does the error page list errors such as “image mask”,
“Xeroximage” or “image” to indicate that the FTP
transmission of the file has corrupted the TIFF image data?
• If the file has an orientation problem, has an attempt been
made to change the orientation using the Xerox Client
Software print command orientation switch?
• What compression format was used to compress the file?
• What dots per inch (dpi) resolution was used or intended for
the file?
PDF problems
The following questions may be helpful to ask when trying to
isolate a PDF problem:
• Was the PDF created from the original PostScript using the
latest version of Adobe’s PDF Distiller?
• Does the original PostScript file print correctly?
• Will all of the pages of the job open with Adobe Acrobat?
• What application and/or PDF software created the PDF file?