Troubleshooting System Guide
9-14 Common Controller
Printing the accounting log
Print the accounting log to gather information and recover from
various accounting problems. Either the entire Accounting log or
a portion of the log may be printed. This can be completed on the
DocuSP GUI in the Administration section.
Rebooting and restarting
Recovery procedures throughout this guide instruct you to either
reboot or restart the software.
To reboot the system and perform a file system check, perform
the following:
1. Place your mouse cursor in the background outside of the
DocuSP Print Services window.
2. Right-click and select [Programs].
3. Select [Terminal].
4. Put your mouse cursor in the window and type: su
5. Select <Enter>.
6. Type in your root password.
7. Select <Enter>. A # symbol displays.
NOTE: When entering text, do so in lower-case because
UNIX is a case sensitive system.
8. Type: sync; sync; halt
9. Select <Enter>. The system will reboot.
10.A Program Terminated message and an Ok prompt display.
Type boot -s
11. Select <Enter>. The system will reboot.
12.When you receive the following message, “Type Ctrl-d to
proceed with a normal startup, (or give root password for
system maintenance)” type the root password again.
13.Select <Enter>.
14.Select the <Ctrl> and <d> keys on your keyboard at the same
time to complete the boot.
NOTE: This procedure performs the file check and takes
about one minute. The # symbol appears again.