12. Select [Edit] in the Default File Destination box, or [Add] in the Alternate File Destinations box.
NOTE: During device configuration, SMARTsend (if used) overwrites the Default Repository and
Template Pool scan settings. If certain applications will use Default Repository settings, not matching
SMARTsend settings, reconfigure the applications to use an Alternate Repository before configuring
the device with SMARTsend's Add/Update feature.
13. Enter a name to describe the filing destination template in the Friendly Name entry box.
14. Select [NetWare] for protocol.
15. Enter the server name where the scan filing repository is located, in [Server Name].
16. Enter the server volume in [Server Volume].
17. Enter the [NDS Context] and [NDS Tree] (NetWare 4.x, 5.x, 6.x IPX only.) for the repository. For NDS
enter a name context. For bindery and bindery emulation, leave these fields blank.
18. Enter the path to the scan filing location in [Document Path].
19. Select a radio button for Login Credentials to Access the Destination. Select Authenticated User to
have your Authentication Server determine user access to the file server. Select Prompt at User
Interface to have the file server determine user access. Select System to have the system directly log
in to the file server.
20. Supply a [Login Name] and [Password] if the system will be directly accessing the file server.
21. Click [Apply] to accept the changes.
22. To configure General Settings, select General in the directory tree.
23. To print a Confirmation Sheet after every scan job select On from the pull down menu.
24. New distribution templates created for the machine can be set to automatically update by entering a
time in the Refresh Start Time area.
25. Login Source settings control user access to a pool of templates stored on a remote server.
Communications to the server, including entry of the required device Login Name and Password, are
set up by selecting Advanced, then Template Pool Setup, in the Internet Services directory tree. Select
Authenticated User to have the Authentication Server control remote template pool access. Select
Prompt at User Interface to have a standalone server prompt device users for access. This works well
for small offices, without an Authentication server. Select Prompt if Authenticated User Does Not
Match Template Owner to prompt authenticated users accessing templates containing either no or
other users' owner names.
26. Check the [User Name] and [Domain] boxes if you want these to appear on the Job Log. The Job Log
works with the Document Management Fields feature and is filed with the scan job.
27. Click [Apply].