Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Note: You can use CentreWare to configure in this environment.
Xerox Printer Installer
By using the Xerox Printer Installer you can install multiple components at the same time, such as printer
drivers, PPDs, user documentation and the Xerox TCP/IP Port Monitor utility. To use the Xerox Printer
Installer locate the CentreWare Print and Fax Drivers CD-ROM delivered with your machine and follow the
instructions contained in the CentreWare Print and Fax Drivers Guide for Microsoft Windows.
Information Checklist
Before starting the installation procedure, please ensure the following items are available or have been
1. Verify the machine is configured with the correct IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address
information by printing a Configuration Report.
Print a Configuration Report
At the Machine
i. Press the [Machine Status] button.
ii. Touch [Print Reports].
iii. Touch [Configuration Report], touch [Print Selected Report], then touch [Close].
2. Locate the CentreWare Print and Fax Drivers CD. (This was delivered in the CentreWare Network
Services Pack with your machine.) Review any README file contained with the printer drivers.