XES Synergix 8825/8830/8850/8855 Digital Solution User Guide 1
Getting to know the Synergix
Digital Solution
This manual contains operating instructions for the user and the system
administrator for the XES Synergix 8825/8830/8850/8855 Digital Solution with
version 6.1 software loaded into the Controller.
Your Synergix Digital Solution is an integrated solution for electronically
scanning and then printing images for engineering or architectural use. The
Digital Solution consists of the Synergix Scan System and Control Panel for
capturing images, the Controller for processing these images, and the XES
Synergix 8825,8830, 8850, or 8855 Printer for making good quality copies of
the captured images in engineering or architectural sizes.
Table 1 below shows the various Synergix Digital Solution configurations. An
optional Online Folder is available for each of these configurations to provide
further processing of the printed output.
Table 1. Synergix Digital Solution configurations
Scanner Printer Controller Product
Synergix Scan System XES Synergix 8825 N5T/EV4
Synergix Scan System XES Synergix 8830 N5T/CNG
Synergix Scan System XES Synergix 8855 UP8
Synergix Scan System XES Synergix 8850 CNG
The Synergix Digital Solution has two modes of operation - Copy and Scan.
In the Copy mode, documents are scanned, temporarily stored in memory or
on the Controller hard disk, and then sent to the local Printer as soon as the
Printer is available. In the Scan mode, documents are scanned and then
stored on the Controller hard disk for later retrieval over a network by a
remote device. The Synergix Digital Solution allows concurrent printing,
copying, and scanning to the network, so there is no need to wait for the
Printer to finish before scanning the next document.
The Synergix Digital Solution contains Dynamic IQ technology from Xerox
Engineering Systems. Dynamic IQ enables the Digital Solution to examine a
sample of the document intelligently and to make automatic image quality
adjustments that yield a good copy even from poor original documents.
Dynamic IQ also automatically detects the width and adjusts the centering of
a scanned original for most opaque documents. Translucent documents
(transparencies, clear film, etc.) in most cases will not be detected.
For documents that require additional adjustments to obtain the best copy
quality, a variety of image quality and reduction/enlargement settings are
available. All of these functions are controlled from the Scanner Control
Panel. This Control Panel, which is mounted on top of the Scanner, receives
all power and information from the Scanner.