XES Synergix 8825/8830/8850/8855 Digital Solution User Guide 77
Main Menu (continued)
Scan Options (Color) (continued)
COMPRESSION (JPEG selected) –Use this selection to determine the
compression method to apply to the saved JPEG document. Select one
of the following:
BEST IQ – Saves a document at a lower compression ratio but has
higher image quality.
NORMAL – Saves a document at an average compression ratio and
has average image quality.
BEST COMPRESSION – Saves a document at a higher
compression ratio but has a lower image quality
Default is NORMAL
PALLETTE – Is shown only when the selected FORMAT is TIFF and the
COMPRESSION is INDEX or INDEXED. Use this selection to determine
which palette to use during RGB-to-index color conversion. Select one of
the following:
DEFAULT – Is the standard Windows system palette.
CAD_GIS – Is an AutoCAD-based palette suitable for scanning CAD
documents and GIS maps.
WEB – Is a Windows WEB palette of 216 colors suitable for
publishing documents on the WEB.
PERCEPTUAL – Perceptual palette or Visual palette gives mor
weight to visiually sensitive colors.
Default is DEFAULT
SRGB (Sanner data representation) – Is shown when the FORMAT is TIFF
and COMPRESSION is PACKBIT or when the FORMAT is JPEG. This
checkbox enables or disables scanner generation of standard RGB
(sRGB) data. The default is enabled (checkbox is checked).