164 Chapter 8– System Administration
To setup the accounting log:
1. In the Settings window, select Messages.
2. In the Accounting log setup area, select the desired value to
Overwrite messages after.
3. To remove all the existing information from the windows, whenever
desired, click
Clear Log Now.
Message Viewer Log Setup
By default, all the jobs that were handled during the past 90 days are listed
in the Spire CX250 color server Message Viewer. This utility enables you to
specify different values for how long information remains before being
To setup the message viewer log:
1. In the Settings window, select Messages.
2. In the Message viewer log setup area, select the desired value to
Overwrite messages after.
3. To remove all the existing information from the windows, click Clear
Log Now
Note: For more information about the Accounting window, see Job
Accounting on page 97.
Note: For more information about the Message Viewer, see The Message
Viewer on page 171.