Remote Scan Application 73
Remote Scan Application
Before you begin using the remote scan application:
• Enable remote scanning in the Spire CX250 color server Settings
window (see
Scan on page 167)
• Install the remote scan application on your client workstation. You can
find the setup file,
RemoteScan.exe, in the Utilities\PC Utilities on the
Spire CX250 color server.
To open the remote scan application and connect to the Spire CX250
color server:
1. From the Start menu, select Programs>Creo>Remote Scan
>Remote Scan.
2. When you connect the first time, or to connect to a different Spire
CX250 color server, enter the server hostname or IP address in the
Server Name or IP list, and click Connect.
The remote scan application is connected to the Spire CX250 color
server and you are ready to begin working. By default, the last scan box
you used is displayed.
Note: By default, the remote scan application remembers your last connection.