Selected FSL Functions
Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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11.5.6 Defining Fonts - XES
The procedures in this chapter can only be used, if you have selected
the XES option on the interface (see the chapter on Installation).
All printers have a number of internal fonts . The more sophisticated the
printer is, the more fonts it has. But in addition to these you can acquire
more fonts either as soft fonts (software fonts) that you download to the
printer, or as font cassettes or font cards that you push into a slot on the
What you need to know
Before you start, you must find the following information:
1. the complete name of the portrait font
2. the complete name of the landscape font
Font definition
Unless you only print in portrait orientation, you must define both a portrait
and a landscape font. When you define the font, you will need to enter the
complete names of the fonts with an escape character and an "end"
When you define the fonts, you must be very careful to enter all the
parts of the command.
&&??% %Y97,n1,1B,'+1<portrait font>',0D,0A,1B'1':1B'+1<landscape
font>',0D,0A,1B,'1'% &&??<space>
The command &&??% selects the character "%" as the escape character.
The escape character is a signal to the interface that the data stream
following is a command stream. The last command in the above line (&&??
<space>) erases the escape character again.
The n1 value is the number of the font that you can activate in FSL Y96.