Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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Appendix A: Supported Setup Functions
XES Mode
No. Description
Y8 LU1 Language
Y10 Page Format
Y11 Paper Path
Y12 Paper Size
Y15 Baud Rate for Serial Input
Y16 Number of Data Bits for Serial Input
Y17 Parity for Serial Input
Y18 Number of Stop Bits for Serial Input
Y19 Duplex Printing
Y24 Output Port Selection
Y36 Suppress IBM Control Codes
Y37 IBM Printer Emulation Select
Y48 Permanent Escape Character Selection
Y51 User Defined String(s) at Power Up
Y61 Setup for User Defined Strings
Y62 Setup for IBM Defined Strings
Y70 Select Data Output Character Set
Y73 Select Translate Table
Y74 Printer Symbol Set Definition Strings
Y75 Overwrite Translate Table
Y88 Physical Margin
Y89 Physical Margin Compensation
Y90 Define User Escape String
Y96 Font Change Simulation
Y97 GFID/Font Selection
Y98 Automatic Page Orientation
Y100 Printer Share String and Timer
Y120 Settings Printout at Power Up
Y249 Enter Engineering Mode
T Initiate Test
T1 On-line Hex Dump
T3 ASCII Hex Dump
T4 Settings Printout
T5 Printout Translate Table
T6 Cancel ASCII Hex Dump