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Date en cours : 11 août 2004
\\Sct01002\BE31-DOC\DOC 31 - En cours\Travaux en cours\Fax\MFL V 2\LU 251 523 984B MFL_V2 FAXCENTRE F116_F116L XEROX
Xerox ENERGY STAR equipment is preset at the factory to enter a "low power" state and/or shut
off completely after a specified period of use. These energy-saving features can reduce product
energy consumption in half when compared to conventional equipment.
Environmental ChoiceTerra Choice Environmental Serviced, Inc. of Canada has verified that this
product conforms to all applicable Environmental Choice EcoLogo requirements for minimized
impact to the environment.
As a participant in the Environmental Choice program, Xerox Corporation has determined that
this product meets the Environmental Choice guidelines for energy efficiency.
Environment Canada established the Environmental Choice program in 1988 to help consumers
identify environmentally responsible products and services. Copier, machine, digital press and
fax products must meet energy efficiency and emissions criteria, and exhibit compatibility with
recycled supplies. Currently, Environmental Choice has more than 1600 approved products and
140 licensees. Xerox has been a leader in offering EcoLogo approved products.
Congress, by statute, has forbidden the reproduction of the following subjects under certain
circumstances. Penalties of fine or imprisonment may be imposed on those guilty of making such
1. Obligations or Securities of the United States Government, such as:
Certificates of Indebtedness National Bank Currency
Coupons from BondsFederal Reserve Bank Notes
Silver CertificatesGold Certificates
United States BondsTreasury Notes
Federal Reserve NotesFractional Notes
Certificates of DepositPaper Money
Bonds and Obligations of certain agencies of the government, such as FHA, etc.
Bonds. (U.S. Savings Bonds may be photographed only for publicity purposes in connection with
the campaign for the sale of such bonds.)
Internal Revenue Stamps. (If it is necessary to reproduce a legal document on which there is a
canceled revenue stamp, this may be done provided the reproduction of the document is
performed for lawful purposes.)
Postage Stamps, canceled or uncanceled. (For philatelic purposes, Postage Stamps may be
photographed, provided the reproduction is in black and white and is less than 75% or more than
150% of the linear dimensions of the original.)
Postal money Orders.
Bills, Checks, or Draft of money drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States.
MFL 251 523 984_ FAXCENTRE F116_F116 L US.book Page 133 Mercredi, 11. août 2004 4:48 16