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Date en cours : 11 août 2004
\\Sct01002\BE31-DOC\DOC 31 - En cours\Travaux en cours\Fax\MFL V 2\LU 251 523 984B MFL_V2 FAXCENTRE F116_F116L XEROX
The rate is coded on a number, see the following table:
Caution - You must always enter the field separator character, even if one or more of the fields
are left blank. In the example above, which uses a semi-colon as a separator, the entry for
« Jones » lacks both E-mail address and shortcut key.
To import a directory:
Select WITH to authorise the importation of a directory.
Create your directory on a PC in a file whose structure corresponds to that set out above. In order
to be recognised as a directory, the file name must include the word directory and must have a
.csv extension. For example: smithdirectory01.csv, jonesdirectory.csv, or simply
Create an e-mail addressed to your E-mail address, attach the file to it, and send your message
via your mail server.
Your machine will receive the e-mail containing the directory when it connects to the mail
server, and will automatically import the attached file into its directory.
Repeat the procedure as many times as required, for instance to update all the LAN faxes on your
network with the same directory.
Caution - Importing a new directory completely overwrites any existing directory entries on
the fax machine. Once your machine has a complete directory, we advise you to disable importing
in order to protect the data already on the machine.
To disable importing:
Select WITHOUT to prevent users from importing a directory.
Rate Code number
600 7
1200 6
2400 5
4800 4
7200 3
9600 2
12000 1
14400 0
33600 8
MFL 251 523 984_ FAXCENTRE F116_F116 L US.book Page 62 Mercredi, 11. août 2004 4:48 16