Introduction Operator Guide
1-2 DocuTech/DocuPrint 75/90 and DocuPrint 75 MX
This section lists the contents of this guide.
• “Introduction” gives a basic overview of the Operator Guide
and its contents. It also contains information on requirements
and certifications required by USA and Canadian regulations.
• “Safety Notes” explains the various symbols, Cautions, and
Warnings pertaining to the safe use and operation of the
DocuTech/DocuPrint 75/90 and DocuPrint 75 MX systems. It
also contains information on requirements and certifications
required by the European Union Declaration of Conformity
and the UK Electricity at Work Regulation.
• “System Components and Product Overview” provides
printer and controller component location, system hardware
features, and basic paper loading instructions.
• “Maintenance” discusses some basic maintenance
procedures and has information on how to clear paper jams.
It also includes part numbers for consumable supplies with
instructions on how and where to place an order.
• “Paper and Other Stock” contains information about the stock
you can use in the printer, how you can expect it to perform,
stapling guidelines, the correct loading of special stocks, and
stock storage requirements.
• “Problem Solving” will assist you in avoiding problems and
solving those that may occur. It also provides information on
how to contact the Welcome Center.
Telephone requirements
USA FCC requirements:
• The FCC has established rules that permit the device to be
directly connected to the telephone network. Standardized
jacks are used for these connections. This equipment should
not be used on party lines or coin lines.