■ Vel Limit
Set the minimum and maximum values of the
velocity range within which each Part will respond.
Each Part will only sound for notes played within its
specified velocity range.
❏ Settings: 1 ~ 127 (for the minimum and maximum values)
If you specify the maximum value first and the minimum
value second, for example “93 to 34,” then the velocity
range covered will be “1 to 34” and “93 to 127.”
LYR Tune (Layer Tune)
You can set note shift and tuning parameters for each
■ NoteShift
Adjust the pitch of each Part in semitones.
❏ Settings: -24 ~ +24
■ Detune
Offset (detune) the pitch of each Part by a very small
❏ Settings: -12.8Hz ~ +12.7Hz
Part Receive Switch
Each Part can be set to receive Control Change and
Program Change messages. The following four screens
are available.
RCV Sw1 (Receive Switch 1)
RCV Sw2 (Receive Switch 2)
RCV Sw3 (Receive Switch 3)
RCV Sw4 (Receive Switch 4)
RCV Sw1 (Receive Switch 1)
When set to “on,” each Voice in each Part will receive
Control Settings (PB, MW, RB,AT) and Control Change
messages. The Controller parameters will vary
according to the Part selected.
Parts 1 to 16
Drum Voice Part
Plug-in Part
Multi Plug-in Part
❏ Settings:
PB (Pitch Bend Wheel): off, on
MW (Modulation Wheel): off, on
RB (Ribbon Controller): off, on
AT (Aftertouch): off, on
RCV Sw2 (Receive Switch 2)
When set to “on,” each Voice in each Part will receive
messages from Knob [1]/[2], plus Breath Controller,
Foot Controller and Control Change messages.
This screen is only available for Parts 1 to 16 (including
Drum Voice Parts).
Parts 1 to 16
Drum Voice Part
❏ Settings:
Knob1 (Knob [1]): off, on
Knob2 (Knob [2]): off, on
BC (Breath Controller): off, on
FC (Foot Controller): off, on