
Performance Mode
RCV Sw3 (Receive Switch 3)
When set to “on,” each Voice in each Part will receive
volume, pan, sustain pedal, foot switch and Control
Change messages.
Parts 1 to 16
Plug-in Part
Multi Plug-in Part
Drum Voice Part
Vol (Volume): off, on
Pan: off, on
Sus (Sustain): off, on
FS (Foot Switch): off, on
RCV Sw4 (Receive Switch 4)
When set to “on,” each Voice in each Part will receive
Program Change and Control Change messages when
you change Performance Bank/Program.
BankSel (Bank Select): off, on
PgmChng (Program Change): off, on
CtrChng (Control Change): off, on
RCVíSw4) BankSel PgmChng CtrChng
Part01 off on off
RCVíSw3) Vol Pan FS
Part10 on off off
RCVíSw3) Vol Pan Sus
PartPL on off on
RCVíSw3) Vol Pan Sus FS
Part01 on off on off
Part Controller
You can set various Controller parameters for the Multi
Plug-in Parts 17 to 32. The following six screens for
the Multi Plug-in Part parameters are available.
CTL MW Control (MW Control Depth) (Multi Plug-in
Parts only)
CTL MW Modulation (MW Modulation Depth) (Multi
Plug-in Parts only)
CTL AT Control (AT Control Depth) (Multi Plug-in
Parts only)
CTL AT Modulation (AT Modulation Depth) (Multi
Plug-in Parts only)
CTL AC Control (AC Control Depth) (Multi Plug-in
Parts only)
CTL AC Modulation (AC Modulation Depth) (Multi
Plug-in Parts only)
CTL MW Control (MW Control Depth)
(Multi Plug-in Parts only)
The Modulation Wheel can be used to control Filter and
Amp parameters for each Multi Plug-in Part (17 to 32).
Set the amount by which the Modulation Wheel can
be used to adjust the filter’s Cutoff frequency.
Settings: -64 ~ +63
Set the amount by which the Modulation Wheel can
be used to adjust the output level (amplitude).
Settings: -64 ~ +63
CTL MW Modulation
(MW Modulation Depth)
(Multi Plug-in Parts only)
The Modulation Wheel can be used to control the
amount of pitch/filter/amplitude modulation applied to
each Multi Plug-in Part (17 to 32).
PMod (Pitch Modulation Depth)
Set the amount by which the pitch modulation
changes when the Modulation Wheel is used.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
CTLíMW Modulation) PMod FMod AMod
Part17 127 127 127
CTLíMW Control) Filter Amp
Part17 +63 +63