Control Set Destination Parameter
No. LCD Parameter
00 off :off
01 Volume Voice Volume
02 RevSend Reverb Send
03 ChoSend Chorus Send
04 INS1-P1:EF1 Insertion Effect 1 Parameter 1
:: :
13 INS1P10:EF1 Insertion Effect 1 Parameter 10
14 INS2-P1:EF2 Insertion Effect 2 Parameter 1
:: :
29 INS2P16:EF2 Insertion Effect 2 Parameter 16
30 CLFOSpd Common LFO Speed
31 CLFO-D1 Common LFO Depth1
32 CLFO-D2 Common LFO Depth2
33 PorTime Common Portamento Time
34 ELM-Lvl Element Level
35 ELM-Pan Element Pan
36 ELM-Dly Element Key On Delay
37 ELFOSpd Element LFO Speed
38 ELFO-PM Element LFO Pitch Modulation Depth
39 ELFO-AM Element LFO Amplitude Modulation Depth
40 ELFO-FM Element LFO Filter Modulation Depth
41 PCH-Crs Element Pitch Coarse
42 PCH-Fin Element Pitch Fine
43 PEG-Dpt Element Pitch EG Depth
44 PEG-Hld Element Pitch EG Hold Time
45 PEG-Atk Element Pitch EG Attack Time
46 PEG-D1 Element Pitch EG Decay1 Time
47 PEG-D2 Element Pitch EG Decay2 Time
48 PEG-Rel Element Pitch EG Release Time
49 AEG-Atk Element Amplitude EG Attack Time
50 AEG-D1 Element Amplitude EG Decay1 Time
51 AEG-D2 Element Amplitude EG Decay2 Time
52 AEG-Rel Element Amplitude EG Release Time
53 FEG-Dpt Element Filter EG Depth
54 FEG-Hld Element Filter EG Hold Time
55 FEG-Atk Element Filter EG Attack Time
56 FEG-D1 Element Filter EG Decay1 Time
57 FEG-D2 Element Filter EG Decay2 Time
58 FEG-Rel Element Filter EG Release Time
59 FLT-Frq Element Filter Cutoff Frequency
60 FLT-Rez Element Filter Resonance
61 HPF-Frq Element Filter HPF Cutoff Frequency
The destionation parameters 00 - 29 can be used for all Controller Sets.
However, in the case of the Plug-in voices, only the parameters 00 - 13 are
The parameters 30 - 61 are available for the Normal voices except for the
Plug-in voices.
The parameters 04 - 29 are available only when Insertion effect is applied to
the voice, and the effective parameter type differs depending on the
currently selected effect type. If the destination parameter is effective, it's
actual parameter name will be displayed on the LCD. For example,
“INS1P10” of the number 13 will be replaced with the actual parameter
name. If not, the LCD displays the one like “INS1P10” shown in the above
list in the Controller Set function, and “-----” in the Play mode.
As to the parameters 16 - 25 and 28 - 37, the effective parameter type
differs depending on the currently selected effect type. If the destination
parameter is effective, it's actual parameter name will be displayed on the
LCD. For example, “REV-P10” of the number 25 will be replaced with the
actual parameter name. If not, the LCD displays the one like “REV-P10”
shown in the above list in the Controller Set function, and “-----” in the Play
System Controller Destination Parameter
00 off off
01 EQLow-G MEQ Low Gain
02 EQLow-F MEQ Low Frequency
03 EQLow-Q MEQ Low Q
04 EQLoM-G MEQ Low Mid Gain
05 EQLoM-F MEQ Low Mid Frequency
06 EQLoM-Q MEQ Low Mid Q
07 EQMid-G MEQ Mid Gain
08 EQMid-F MEQ Mid Frequency
09 EQMid-Q MEQ Mid Q
10 EQHiM-G MEQ High Mid Gain
11 EQHiM-F MEQ High Mid Frequency
12 EQHiM-Q MEQ High Mid Q
13 EQHi-G MEQ High Gain
14 EQHi-F MEQ High Frequency
15 EQHi-Q MEQ High Q
16 REV-P1 ReverbParameter 1
:: :
25 REV-P10 Reverb Parameter 10
26 REV-Rtn Reverb Return
27 REV-Pan Reverb Pan
28 CHO-P1 Chorus Parameter 1
:: :
37 CHO-P10 Chorus Parameter 10
38 CHO-Rtn Chorus Return
39 CHO-Pan Chorus Pan
40 Cho>Rev Send Chorus To Reverb
41 ARP-Typ Arpeggio Type
42 ARP-Unt Arpeggio Unit Multiply
43 ARP-Vel Arpeggio Velocity Rate
44 ARP-Gat Arpeggio Gate Time Rate
45 Tempo Arpeggio/Sequencer Tempo
46 EG-Atck QED EG Attack Time
47 EG-Decy QED EG Decay Time
48 EG-SusL QED EG Sustain Level
49 EG-Rele QED EG Release Time
50 Cutoff QED Cutoff Frequency
51 Reso QED Resonance
No. LCD Parameter