About MIDI
MIDI is an acronym that stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface,
which allows electronic musical instruments to “communicate” with each
other, by sending and receiving compatible Note, Control Change, Program
Change and various other types of MIDI data, or messages.
The S80 can control a MIDI device by transmitting note related data and
various types of controller data. The S80 can be controlled by the incoming
MIDI messages which automatically select MIDI channels, voices and
effects, change parameter values, and of course play the voices specified
for the various Parts in a Performance.
MIDI Messages Transmitted/Received by the
The MIDI messages can be divided into two groups:the Channel Messages and System
Messages. Below is a brief explanation of the various types of MIDI messages which the S80
can receive/transmit.
The Channel Messages are the data related to the performance on the keyboard for the
specific channel.
•Note On/Note Off (Key On/Key Off)
Messages which are generated when the keyboard is played. Each message includes a
specific note number which corresponds to the key which is pressed, plus a velocity
value based on how hard the key is struck.
•Control Change
Control Change messages let you select a voice bank (Bank Select), control volume,
panning, modulation, portamento time, brightness and various other controller
parameters, through specific Control Change numbers which correspond to each of the
various parameters.
•Program Change
Messages which voice to select for each Part.
With a combination of Bank Select, you can select not only basic voice numbers, but
also variation voice bank numbers.
•Channel Aftertouch
Messages which let you control the sounds by the pressure you apply to the keys after
the initial striking of the keys, over the entire channel.
•Polyphonic Key Pressure
Messages which let you control the sounds by the pressure you apply to the keys after
the initial striking of the keys, for each individual key. The internal sequencer (S80) can
send this message.
•Pitch Bend
Pitch Bend messages are continuous controller messages that allow the pitch of
designated notes to be raised or lowered by a specified amount over a specified
The System Messages are the data related to the overall system of the device.
•Exclusive Messages
Exclusive messages control various functions of the S80, including bulk dump, master
volume and master tuning, effect type and various other parameters.
•Realtime Messages
Messages which control the sequencer including Start, Stop, Continue, MIDI clock and
Active Sensing messages.
•Common Messages
Messages which also control the sequencer including Song Select and Song Position
Pointer messages.
MIDI Data Format
Many MIDI messages listed in the MIDI Data Format section are expressed in hexadecimal or
binary numbers.Hexadecimal numbers may include the letter “H” as a suffix.The letter “n”
indicates a certain whole number.
The chart below lists the corresponding decimal number for each hexadecimal/binary number.
Additional Notes
• For example, 144 - 159(Decimal)/9nH/1001 0000 - 1001 1111(Binary) indicate the note-on
messages for the channels 1 through 16 respectively.176 - 191/BnH/1011 0000 - 1011 1111
indicate the control change messages for the channels 1 through 16 respectively.192 -
207/CnH/1100 0000 - 1100 1111 indicate the program change messages for the channels 1
through 16 respectively. 240/F0H/1111 0000 is positioned at the beginning of data to
indicate a system exclusive message.247/F7H/1111 0111 is positioned at the end of the
system exclusive message.
• aaH(Hexadecimal)/0aaaaaaa(Binary) indicates the data addresses.The data address
consists of High, Mid and Low.
• bbH/0bbbbbbb indicates byte counts.
• ccH/0ccccccc indicates tcheck sums.
• ddH/0ddddddd indicates data/value.