The following table describes the labels found on this screen.
Number Label Description
Left control panel provides control over video recording, voice
communication, I/O, Pan/Tilt, and snapshot
Video stream Allows you to change between stream-1 and stream-2.
(Stream 2 can be enabled and configured in [Settings] >
PTZ speed set the pan and tilt speed on a scale of 1 to 10
Video mode
Allows you to change the video display between single,
multi, and auto scan.
Top control panel Allows you to adjust Brightness, Speaker volume, and
microphone volume.
Preset Point Changing the preset point allows you move the camera
to a pre-defined point. (Preset points can be configured
in [setup] > [PTZ control])
Magnifier Click on the magnifier icon to bring up digital zoom
Live video pane Live video stream. Click any spot on the video window
to pan/tilt. You can switch to full-screen mode by right-