6.7 Event Setup
From this page, your camera can be programmed to respond to events – such as detected
motion, or a triggered I/O device – and send a snapshot directly to your e-mail account,
ftp server, image server, notification server, HTTP server, or SMS server in order to warn
you about what’s happened.
6.7.1 Event Servers
This page provides 6 different server-types capable of receiving notification of events: E-
mail, FTP, Image, Image, Notify, HTTP, and SMS. To set up Event Servers, navigate to
[Setup] > [Event Setup] > [Event Server Setup]. The following screen will appear. E-Mail Server
Your camera supports standard SMTP on SSL-protected webmail platforms such as
Hotmail (Windows Live), and Gmail. To utilize this function, navigate to [Setup] >
[Event Setup] > [Event Server Setup] > [Email Event Server Setup]. The following
screen will appear.
The following table describes the labels found in this screen.
Label Description
SMTP Server Enter SMTP server information in this field
(ie. smtp.gmail.com)
SMTP Port Enter your SMTP server’s port information
From Address Enter your full e-mail address (ie.