Adder Technology ALTX/ALRX Music Mixer User Manual

AdderLink Installation and Use Page 33
AdderLink Gold XL
Indicator Colour Status Meaning
POWER Green ON AdderLink is on and there is sufficient
power available
OFF AdderLink is off and sufficient power is not
FLASHING Insufficient power is available (marginal
REMOTE A Red ON Keyboard or mouse data has been received
from the XR unit and the keyboard and mouse
attached to the XR unit have control of the PC
OFF The keyboard and mouse attached to the XR
unit do not have control of the PC
LOCAL B Red ON Keyboard or mouse data has been received
from the keyboard and mouse attached to the XL
unit which currently have control of the PC
OFF The keyboard and mouse attached to the XL
unit do not have control of the PC
AdderLink Gold XR
Indicator Colour Status Meaning
POWER Green ON AdderLink is on
OFF AdderLink is off
REMOTE 1 Red ON Remote PC attached to XL unit is selected
OFF Remote PC attached to XL unit is not selected
FLASHING Remote PC is selected and keyboard / mouse
data if being received
LOCAL 2 Red ON Local PC attached to XR unit is selected
OFF Local PC attached to XR unit is not selected
FLASHING Local PC is selected and keyboard / mouse
data if being received