
DVI, Audio & RS-232 Extender with EDID Management
3.3.2 Running the GUI software
The communication parameters might need to be configured when running
this AC2000A software for the first time. Please refer to the COM
Configuration window for setup.
Figure 2 - Main
To open the COM Configuration window, select COM setting from the
Configuration menu. The GUI software will detect all COM ports available
on your PC. Select the desired COM port in the PORT drop down menu.
When done, press CLOSE button to save your port settings. The default
settings for communicating with the AC2000A-S will be COM1, 4800 Baud,
8 bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit, No flow control. The only parameter that can
be changed is the COM Port selection. The other parameters should be
configured as specified.
Figure 3 - COM Configuration