Kawai CN4 Musical Instrument User Manual

Advanced Playing
Studio Grand
String Ensemble
These two buttons are used to change the value for certain functions.
First select the function or option you would like to change the
value for by pressing the appropriate button(s), then use the
VALUE buttons to change the value.
button increases the
value and
decreases the value.
These buttons can also be used to select the various sounds. You can
select all of the preset sounds assigned to the ten SOUND SELECT buttons.
However, sounds cannot be selected by using the Value buttons when
you are in DUAL or SPLIT mode.
2.2 DUAL
Another feature of the CN piano is the ability to layer two preset sounds
together to create a more complex sound. For example, piano layered
with strings, electric piano with choir sound, and so on.
To layer two sounds, press the SOUND SELECT buttons for both
sounds simultaneously. The LED indicators for each will be turned on
to indicate the two sounds you have chosen. You will find the selected
sound names are also shown in the LCD display.
Both sound names are displayed.
If you want to layer two sounds assigned to the same SOUND SELECT
button, while pressing the desired SOUND SELECT button use the VALUE
buttons to select your desired layered sound.
The CN piano is capable of playing up to 96 notes simultaneously (96-
note polyphony). When playing in dual mode, or when playing the stereo
piano sound, the polyphony will be reduced by half since the piano has to
produce two sounds for each note.
The split function divides the keyboard into two sections—upper and
lower—and lets you play each part with a different sound.