Lexicon MPX 550 DJ Equipment User Manual

Program Descriptions
Ambience adds warmth, spaciousness, and depth to a
performance without coloring its direct sound. It is
commonly used to add a room sound to recorded music
and speech. In music recording, Ambience can
realistically add distance to close-mic’ed signals.
Ambience programs simulate reflections from room
surfaces with random reflections, a gradual decay of
overall level, and a gradual narrowing of bandwidth. In
these programs, the Mix control adds depth - emulating
the movement of a coincident pair of microphones away
from the sound source into the room.
Ambience Programs "Adjust" Tap
40 Announcer (HighCut)
41 VerySmallAmb (HighCut)
42 Small Amb (HighCut)
43 MidSizeAmb (HighCut)
44 Studio "D" (HighCut)
45 Bright Amb (Decay)
46 Dark Amb (Decay)
47 MarbleFoyer (Livenes)
48 Smooth Amb (Decay)
49 Guitar Amb (HighCut)