Program Descriptions
Ambience adds warmth, spaciousness, and depth to a
performance without coloring its direct sound. It is
commonly used to add a room sound to recorded music
and speech. In music recording, Ambience can
realistically add distance to close-mic’ed signals.
Ambience programs simulate reflections from room
surfaces with random reflections, a gradual decay of
overall level, and a gradual narrowing of bandwidth. In
these programs, the Mix control adds depth - emulating
the movement of a coincident pair of microphones away
from the sound source into the room.
Ambience Programs "Adjust" Tap
40 Announcer (HighCut) –
41 VerySmallAmb (HighCut) –
42 Small Amb (HighCut) –
43 MidSizeAmb (HighCut) –
44 Studio "D" (HighCut) –
45 Bright Amb (Decay) –
46 Dark Amb (Decay) –
47 MarbleFoyer (Livenes) –
48 Smooth Amb (Decay) –
49 Guitar Amb (HighCut) –