M-Audio 49e Musical Instrument User Manual

Here are answers to common trouble-related questions you may have, using
your Keystation 49e:
Problem 1: My M-Audio hardware suddenly stopped working after having
performed fine since installation.
Solution 1: Switch off the unit and leave for 10 seconds. Then restart your
computer and try again. If the problem persists you may have to re- install
drivers for the unit.
Problem 2: I have plugged in a sustain pedal into my M-Audio keyboard, but
it works the wrong way around.
Solution 2: The polarity of the sustain pedal is calculated by the keyboard
when it is powered up. On power up, the sustain pedal is assumed to be in
the OFF position. So if you want the sustain pedal to be off when it is
unpressed, make sure the pedal is unpressed when you power up.
Problem 3: When I press a key, there is a delay before I hear any sound.
Solution 3: This delay is known as latency. Latency with MIDI signals is due to
the softsynth you are using. MIDI data is simply control data. The MIDI is read
by the softsynth. The softsynth then completes a large number of complex
calculations in order to produce the sound you hear–all this takes time.
We strongly recommend a proper soundcard. Refer to www.m-audio.com for
a selection of USB, PCI and Firewire audio cards. If you already have an
adequate sound card, try reinstalling the latest drivers for the sound card, or
try reducing the buffer sizes of the audio drivers.