
ProKeys 88sx User Guide
The ProKeys 88sx has been designed to give you high performance and professional quality audio. It has been tested under a wide range of
systems and operating conditions. However, there are a virtually limitless number of operating scenarios, any of which may affect your system’s
performance. Though this section cannot cover all possible issues you may encounter, we would like to offer you some suggestions for dealing
with common problems.
If you are connecting to a computer, we recommend that you avoid connecting too many devices to your computer at the same time. The more
devices you have connected to the computer, the greater the load on the computer’s CPU. Although it is possible in theory to chain multiple USB
devices together, doing so may degrade your system’s performance.
If you are experiencing clipping or distortion:
< Turn the volume slider down. You may be overloading the input of the audio device you have connected the ProKeys 88sx to.
< If you are recording the audio from your ProKeys 88sx on a computer, the distortion may be due to the audio settings of your computer’s
sound card. This can be corrected by either increasing the audio buffer size used by your soundcard, or trimming its input gain levels.
Refer to the user manual for your computer sound card for more information.
My ProKeys 88sx suddenly stopped working after having performed well since installation on a computer.
< Switch off the unit and leave it off for 10 seconds. Then restart your computer, power up your ProKeys 88sx and try again. If the problem
persists, you may have to reinstall the drivers for the unit. The latest drivers are available at http://www.m-audio.com.
I have plugged in a Sustain pedal to my ProKeys 88sx, but it works backwards.
< The polarity of the Sustain pedal is calculated by the ProKeys 88sx when it is powered up. On power up, the Sustain pedal is assumed
to be in the off position. So, if you want the Sustain pedal to be off when it is not depressed, make sure not to press the pedal when you
power up. To reverse the pedal polarity, just press and hold the pedal when you power up. Note: this will have to be done each time you
power up the ProKeys 88sx.
I have connected the ProKeys 88sx to my computer. When I press a key, there is a delay before I hear any sound.
< This delay is known as latency. Latency with MIDI signals is caused at the computer and is not coming from the ProKeys 88sx. This may
be due to the CPU load of the soft-synth you are using. MIDI data is simply control data. MIDI data is read by the soft-synth; the soft-synth
then completes a large number of complex calculations in order to produce the sound you hear and all this processing activity takes time.
If you already have adjusted the appropriate parameters relating to latency on your sound card, try re-installing the latest drivers for the
sound card, or try reducing the buffer sizes of the sound card. If you are using a host application, check its buffer size settings as most
applications allow for user adjustment to improve timing.
< If you feel that you may need to upgrade your sound card, please visit http://www.m-audio.com.
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M-Audio warrants products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship, under normal use and provided that the product is owned by the
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